How to choose the Right custom Squarespace Web Designer for your Business and Personality?

Yaaaay! Big, scary, expensive decisions!!! Welcome to business my friend!

But, really though - congratulations for stepping up and considering this bold and big decision of finding a custom Squarespace designer for your business!

I know it's not an easy one to reach, but it will do wonders for your business image and online presence - I promise!

Since I know that feeling of making big financial decisions myself, I wanted to write this post to help you make the best and most informed decision for you.

In this blog post, you'll find my tips for asking the right questions before, during and after the initial consult call and how to make that final decision of choosing the right Squarespace designer for you and your business.

Let's get into it!



  1. Before scheduling a call: What's their design style and process?

  2. During the first call: What's the vibe?

  3. After the consult call: Listen inwards for the final decision.

1. Before scheduling a call: What's their design style and process?

Let's start with some research shall we? (aka. the Stalking Phase). There are three parts to take special note of and I've listed some questions you should be asking yourself while browsing through their website.

Design Style and Portfolio

  1. Does their design style match what you're going after too?

  2. Do you like the website they've listed in their portfolio? Why or why not?

  3. What are 3 words you'd use to describe their design style? And are they words you'd like to have represent your own website? (eg. modern, chic, stylish)

Services, Support and Process

  1. Does the design process feel like a supportive one? Is it one on one?

  2. Are important factors like SEO an mobile optimisation included?

  3. Will you be able to run and manage it yourself afterwards? Do they teach you?

Prices and Post Launch

  1. Is the price under $2500 USD? If so, ask yourself why it's so low?

  2. Does the designer keep you on a retainer (ie. charge you monthly fee post-launch in return for setting aside x amount of hours for small tweaks?)

  3. What kind of post launch support do they offer and at what rate?

If they pass this first phase of stalking, then hop over to their contacts page and schedule a call with them!


2. During the first call: What's the vibe?

Always, always, always set up a consultation call with your potential web designer before committing to anything. It's so important to meet the person face-to-face over a zoom call or something similar.

The reason I say this is because you get the opportunity to get a feel for the designer's personality and overall vibe. Take notes of the questions they're asking you and how they're responding to your questions.

Here are a few things to give special attention to during the call:

Are you doing more talking or listening?

Ideally, you should definitely be doing more talking! A good web designer will use this opportunity to really get to know your business and brand (and you, of course!).

They will spend little time talking about their services because they will assume that you've already read their services page and know the cost of the project.

However, there are a few questions that you should ask (that will really save your butt later on!)

Are you asking good questions?

Really important that you use this time to ask questions you don't normally find on their page. Questions regarding SEO optimisation, mobile responsiveness, post launch support, payment procedures and communication during the design process.



Do you feel aligned with their personality and vision?

How well do you feel like you 'click' with each other? Do you like their personality? Do you feel like they 'get' your vision and the style you're going after?

This really helps ensure a smooth and aligned design process. It almost doesn't matter HOW talented a web designer is, if they don't GET you or your vision.


3. After the consult call: Listen inwards for the final decision.

When I say listen inwards, I mean listen to your body and feel how it reacts when you visualise yourself working with this designer.

How does it make you feel to entrust your brand and business' online presence to this person?

Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes while you ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you feel warm and expansive? Do your shoulders and chest open up slightly? Do you smile a little at the thought of working with a designer you admire and respect? This is a clear sign that you've found the one!

  • Or do you feel cold and contractive? Like there's a cold shiver down your spine as your chest and shoulder contort inwards? Is there a frown forming as you imagine working with this designer?

  • Perhaps you feel a little stress, not from the large investment you'd be making, but stress from your body telling you that it's just not right. Listen to it because it's probably right!

Whatever you do, the worst thing to base your decision upon is the cost factor. There are things you cannot put a value on.

So do not ask yourself, how do I feel about paying this much money just for website - because you're not getting JUST a website (hopefully).

You're getting a design experience that will help bring you closer in alignment with your brand values and vision.


Instead ask yourself (if you must):

  • how does it make me feel, to support this designer who just gets me and my business, and who I really want to work with?

  • how does it make me feel to be in a position to help her help me and my business?

  • how does it make me feel to be in a position where I have a choice to invest in my business and invest in myself for such an experience of intangible value?

Listen to that inner voice, your gut feeling, the Knowing.
It's there for a reason!

So to round that all up - the secret ingredients for the right web designer are:

Skills + Design Style + Personality + Aligned Vision + Inner Feeling


Let me know how you go about making big decisions and investments like this in the comments below! Do you only base from logic and reason? Or do you love introspection like me? Share your thoughts with me here - @arohavisuals.

In this blog post, you'll find my tips for asking the right questions before, during and after the initial consult call and how to make that final decision of choosing the right Squarespace designer for you and your business.

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Emily Peilan

Squarespace Web Designer | Creating stylish, chic and modern websites that convert for the Creative Entrepreneur and Small Businesses.

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